Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hot water bottle cozies

 Cozy monster!

I'd never used a hot water bottle until a couple months ago, but I'm a total convert now. Getting into bed on a cold night is about a hundred times nicer when a hot water bottle has been warming it up for a few minutes. And in the morning, there is still a little heat left to curl my toes around for a couple minutes before dragging myself out.

Once we started using the bottles, I wanted to make fleece cozies for them, but then my sewing machine broke. Several weeks later, I finally got it fixed, and yesterday I popped out a couple of awesome cozies.

They are super quick (the eyes and fangs took the most time).  To make a pattern, I just traced around the full bottle then added an inch on all sides. I used the pattern as is for the back, and then for the fronts I folded it just above and below the midpoint and cut out two pieces so they would overlap. The monster's eyes and teeth are felt. I did the monster first, and when it came time to do the dinosaur one, I think it took about 5 minutes total.

The monster (we call him Cleveland) is for my husband, but we are both getting a big kick out of him.  It's incredible how putting eyes on something gives it so much personality.  But the dinosaurs are pretty cool, too - here is my favorite (I like his goofy teeth):

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