Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Apron set

A friend asked me to make aprons for herself and her 2 year old.  The only requirements were that they coordinate with each other, and that they be "funky."  I spent way too much time on the fun task of selecting fabric - what awesome colors should I choose?  Just how funky should the pattern be?  Where is the balance between something that appeals to a little girl but isn't too girly?  I finally settled on Heather Ross' Mendocino (Seahorses in Rust and Underwater Sisters in Fuschia) - just crazy enough when combined, but still really cute.

I used the following tutorials to get a rough idea of sizes (because I didn't have any full size aprons in the house to measure): adult size and child size.

And as a side note, I made more pillowcases for my aunt, who loved the snowmen set I made her for Christmas.  They're so cute! The owls are from the Alice Kennedy Apple collection.  I kind of wanted to keep them for myself, but I think I have another good use for the half-yard I have left.